Google Testing A New Label For Slow Websites In Search Results

Site load speed

Site load speed was all the rage a few years ago, and was considered as a plus point. In fact, it became an important search ranking factor in 2010. But what about all the SEO developments over the years? The paradigm must have shifted? Well, it sure has, onto content quality and usability. So should you still focus on a fast load speed, or will an average speed do the job?

Over the years, Google has released and perfected many pagespeed tools to help analyze and improve your page load speed. Fast loading websites lead to higher visitor engagement, retention and conversions. The first 3 seconds are extremely important for a website to retain a visitor.  The more visitors leave your blog, the higher your bounce rate grows and the lesser your ad impressions.

Now, it has become more important than ever to have a decent loading time. Google is currently testing out a new red-colored label within search results for slow-loading websites. This red label will indicate when a particular webpage is slow to load, thereby warning the users before they click over to that site.

Check out an image of search results below.

Note that this update is currently limited to the mobile version of search. If that remains the case, then mobile optimization could play a part here. Even if a website is loading fast on desktop, it may not necessarily be set up to load equally fast on a mobile device, and vice-versa.

First, let us look at the simplest scenario. If your website contains graphics, blocking scripts and heavy media content, it is bound to slow down the page. Such a page will be labelled anyway. However, even if that isn't the case, it could be that your website is not configured to handle mobile properly. In the wake of responsive design, too many extra scripts can weigh down the processor on a mobile, thus slowing down the loading speed.

So while you are being mindful of this notorious label (which, by the way, is still being tested), always consider the above two possibilities. If you need help speeding up your website, we have a lot of reference material to help you along. Just follow the link given below.

Good luck (:

How To Write A Powerful Blog Post

How to write a powerful post to get more traffic

You already know that blogs and sites are popular and you should have one. But do you have any idea what make a blog and a blog post great?

I am sure you have heard about having a great, meaningful and educational content or a good blog design but that's not enough. There must be something more to write a post that get more visitors and do more than other posts. Well, there are many factors that have a great affect on your post and these factors decide whether the post will be one of your blog's popular post or no. I will show you these factors in this post and after following this post you will get all of your audience on the post which you write first after reading this post.

In order to show you how to create a powerful post to get more traffic, I will show each factor one by one. So lets go!

You might also like reading: Tips to attract more visitors to your blog.

Interest grabbing title:

How to write an interesting title in post | 101helperThe first step of writing a powerful blog post is to write an interesting title. The title you write should be something which emphasize and attract visitors to read your post. For example if you have a post about writing an seo friendly post then you should have a title "7 things to take care of while writing a post in blogger for seo" isn't it interesting? so it will grab interest of your audience and the visitors will read every post which have a title similar to it(interesting).

Include Photos and graphs:

Creating interesting posts in blogArticles with images and graphs get 94%  more views as compared to articles without images. Photos and graphs get interest of visitors and also helps them to understand the article more properly. Try to add images and graphs having information absorbed in them. You can also use image ads in between posts and increase interest of visitors and also increase your blog revenue.

Use clean and simple design:

Attractive design in blog postClean and simple design is a very important factor, too much ads and a congested post isn't liked by anyone and use of social bars that floats over a visitor's head also frustrates him especially Facebook pop-up box and E-mail subscription pop-up box, so keep a simple design and let visitors read your blog without loosing temper. Also optimize your blog for desktop, mobiles and tablets.

Have a unique voice:

 how to write unique articles | 101helperBy unique voice I mean a unique content but it must be meaningful and educational. You have to think about it before starting a new blog(you must have a category that people search more frequently). Use easy sentences and keep focus on the topic of post, don't get away from the topic in order to increase your blog text. Use simple words and write your post in such a manner that a beginner could understand it easily, While writing a post suppose that you are a beginner and trying to learn something.

Video presentation: 

how to write interesting posts | 101helperInsert videos in your posts. 95% people prefer watching videos despite of reading posts. If you have tutorials blog its the best way for you to get more visitors and also increase your Youtube audience. You can monetize ads on your video and can earn a revenue also. Videos helps you to keep people active because posts with only text becomes boring. If you don't have your own channel you can share others videos, it will not generate revenue for you but it will engage more people to your post.

Connect with social media:

how to write a great post | 101helper
Stay in touch with your visitors, if they have any question or opinion they can share them with you by comments or social networks. It makes them feel like you are there to help them out and hence increases their interest in your blog posts. So always be in a conservation with your visitors and get their interest in your posts as well as in your blog.

Go against the grain:
101Helper blogging tips

Controversial posts get a lot of links from people refuting your information. It also creates engagement with the visitors. Also use light colors in your blog and try to write in such a way that readers take interest in your posts. You can relate one post with other just like I have done in this post above. It will not only increase your visitors interest but also helps you to optimize your blog posts for seo and increase your posts page views.

Make Conversation:

Making conversation with your visitors will help them to share there ideas and problems with you. I will make your blog's reputation and you can increase your fans by making conversation with them. Blogs with comments are trusted by everyone and conversation grabs visitors interest also. In most of the blogs people read the comments of others to know if the post is meaningful or no because they don't like to read long posts so they just read comments as the post summery. So its very beneficial to make conversation with your visitors for you are and your visitors. So ask them for feedback, recommendations etc. Moreover it will keep visitors for longer on your blog.

You Might Also Like: How To attract visitors towards your blog / Keep visitors longer!

Hope you like this post, if you have any option or question ask me in comments. Follow and subscribe to get instant news about blogger tips, gadgets, seo, tricks, tutorials and menus. Share this post with others if you like it. Thanks for visiting 101Helper.

Search tags: Article writing tips, write professional posts, How to write a powerful post to get more traffic, how to write a great post, how to write interesting posts, how to write unique articles, 101Helper blogging tips. 

Blogger Will Now Automatically Create Sitemap.xml File For All Blogs

Automatic Blogger Sitemap

There's big news with regards to sitemap files in Blogger. If you have a blog running on Google's Blogger platform, you no longer need to worry about creating and maintaining a custom sitemap and then submitting it to search engines. Google will now automatically create a sitemap file in your root directory, eliminating the need for third-party sitemap services on Blogger.

A good, high-quality sitemap is an integral part of search engine optimization. It offers a really simple way for site owners to share information with every search engine about the content they have on their site instead of having to rely solely on crawling algorithms.

Blogger limitations

Many Content Management Systems such as WordPress let you easily create a sitemap with either native or third-party support. This includes Blogger as well.

Blogger, as you might know, is pretty limited. Blogger users can not access the root directory of their blog. Their content remains hosted at Google even if they have a custom domain. The ftp directory your web hosts creates can allow you to only host files at sub-domains, and if you try hosting files at the root directory, Blogger will return a 404 error.

As a consequence, the only good way of submitting a sitemap for Blogger was to submit an RSS or Atom feed, since it does almost the same thing and is in xml format as well.

Automatic sitemaps

There is good news though. You no longer need to do all that to submit a sitemap. Google will now automatically create a sitemap for your Blogger blog, and that too on your root directory. You can view it at (e.g.

Not only that, the sitemap file further contains links to pages like:




I think this is a very welcome step, and I hope the Blogger teams will provide customization options as well for the sitemap. If you have any questions, or want to participate in the discussion, then please feel free to join us on our discussion form where we talk about creating a sitemap for Blogger.

Good luck (:

How To Use Robots Text For Better Seo In Blogger

Using robots text for better seo in blogger | 101helper

Robots text plays a main role in a blog's seo. With robots text we actually indicate search engines robots how to crawl our blogs and how to index it. Robots text is not the meta robot tag codes, its a text which is added in a blogs settings option which helps us to tell robots which pages to crawl and index and which do not. Previously I have created a post in which I have told how to add custom robot text in blogger, if you have already added robots text in your blog then you don't need to read that post but if you haven't added robots text in your blog yet then your first task is to read that post and after adding robots text in your blog you can follow this post to use robots text in proper way. In this post I will tell you how to allow or disallow robots to index pages or labels in search results.

Recommended: How to set custom robots header tags for better seo in blogger.

Allowing or disallowing labels in search results:

I am starting from allowing or disallowing robots to index or crawl labels/categories of your blog e.g in-case of my blog Seo, Menus and Blogging etc. So first of all go to Blogger Dashboard > Settings > Search preferences > Crawlers and indexing > Custom robots.text and edit it. For instance see below image:

Using robots text for better seo in blogger | 101helper

If you have read my post about adding custom robots text then your robots text will be similar to below code:

User-agent: Mediapartners-GoogleDisallow:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Allow: /

In the about code I have added /search beside Disallow so now robots will not index any of your category, if your blog have sitelinks in search results and you wish to show only categories of your blog then remove /search and you are done!

How does it work?

It works in a very simple way how? lets see an example of link of a category opened in browser for details to learn how does it work. See below image:

Using robots text for better seo in blogger | 101helper

In the above example I have opened my Seo label in browser, you can see the highlighted part of link, it lies in every category so to block a label in search results you have to add /search beside disallow. On more thing about adding /search is that is not only blocks labels to be indexed in results but also any queries made for search in blog is also not allowed to be indexed because if you take a look of link of a query made in blog it also has the same text(/search). See example below:

Using robots text for better seo in blogger | 101helper

In the above example 101helper is a query made for search, so if you wish to block only labels and not the search queries you could you /label instead of /search. It is the proper way to block only labels.

Allowing or disallowing pages in search results:

Now a days every blog has pages like contact, about, copyright, sitemap etc, but nobody want to index pages like contact, about and copyright I am not sure about Sitemap :p. The reason not to index contact and about pages is they aren't useful for visitors and aren't interesting too so now you can control robots to index your pages or no but keep one thing in mind that you can't control a specific page to be indexed or not so if you add /p in front of Disallow: then every page of your blog won't be indexed. See example of link of a blogger page:

Using robots text for better seo in blogger | 101helper
You can use Robots text tester in Google webmaster tools while making any changes in your blog's robots text. So you can see a live preview of your blog's robot text at Google webmaster tools > Crawl > robots.txt tester and can test every url of your blog after making any changes as if it is allowed by robots or not. See an example of page blocked by Google robots in below image:

Using robots text for better seo in blogger | 101helper

If you wish to block all pages in search results just add /p in front of Disallow:. It will block only contact, about, sitemap, privacy policy etc pages not posts. You can't block or allow a specific page of your blog to be indexed or not.

Blocking both pages and labels in search results:

If you want to block both pages and categories/labels the your robots text should look like below code:

User-agent: Mediapartners-Google
User-agent: *
Disallow: /p
Disallow: /search
Allow: /

the above code specifies not to index a link having /p or /search. So now robots won't index any label or pages.

Allowing all pages, labels and Homepage to indexed in search results:

If you are desired to index all of your blog pages, labels, homepages, post pages etc use below code as your blog's robots text. 

User-agent: Mediapartners-Google
User-agent: *
Allow: /

The above code tells robots to index all pages, labels posts, homepage etc.

Final words:

You can use robots text for blocking posts published in a specific year(you can block posts published in a same year). Robots text plays a vital role in a blogs seo. Use robots text carefully or else you can loose all of your blog traffic.

Hope you like this post and it was an informative article. If you have any question feel free to ask me in comments. Follow and subscribe to get latest updates about blogger seo. Thanks for visiting 101Helper. Share this post with others and help me spread 101Helper.

Search tags: Robots.txt, Using robots text for better seo in blogger, Robots.txt for seo, Seo tips for blogger, 101Helper seo tips for blogger, How to use robots text to index posts in google, how to edit sitelinks in google search results.

How To Get Your Content Displayed In Google Quick Answer Box?

Google Quick Answer box

Google's Quick Answer box - while useful for the casual searcher, creates a lot of challenges for webmasters. On the one hand, if your content is used by the Quick Answer box, you get prominence. But at the same time, if users can get their questions answered on the SERPs, why would they click through to your site, right? Their utility is debatable. Today, however, we will talk about how to get your content displayed on Google's Quick Answer box.

The Google Knowledge Graph is what powers certain components on a search results page, and the quick answers box is just one of those components. Semantic markup, like that provided by, is just one way to help communicate what’s on a page to search engines. According to;

On-page markup enables search engines to understand the information on web pages and provide richer search results in order to make it easier for users to find relevant information on the web. Markup can also enable new tools and applications that make use of the structure.

Getting featured in Google Knowledge Graph

Here are some things that can help you get featured in Google Knowledge Graph. 

  • Implement structured data on your website

  • Use nouns (i.e., entities) in your writing when it’s natural to do so

  • Link to relevant sites

  • Get featured in Wikipedia

Wikipedia is an example of data organization done right - the way Google likes to use. Google likes organized, easily accessible data. That’s why merging everything you know about SEO best practices with useful content and structured data can help you show up in Knowledge Graph-powered results.

Here are some tips for optimizing for the answer box.

  • Select a topic that’s interesting for your users

  • Create quality content relevant to the theme (use “buyer persona” studies, focus groups, and engagement analytics to determine the content mix)

  • Structure the page with user experience in mind

  • Where relevant, clearly define a how-to list, including the phrase “how to” in content and bullet points clearly present answers

  • Implement SEO practices like basic on-page optimization, theme-relevant cross-linking and technical SEO tactics

This is still a new feature, and optimizing for the Knowledge Graph in general is still fairly novel for many, We'll be sharing in-depth articles about optimizing for the Knowledge Graph. One I'd particularly like to talk about is Wikipedia and its importance for ranking well on Google. So stay tuned for some really useful posts :)

How To Enable Comment Moderation In Blogger

How to enable comment moderation in blogger | 101helper

Comment moderation means publishing comments after approval. It is helpful to avoid spam comments to be published on blog. Comment moderation is not enabled in simple or another template so you have enable it on your own. Its not a difficult thing, you have to just make a little changes in settings of your blog. To enable comment moderation in your blog follow below steps:

Step 1: Go to blogger dashboard.

Step 2: Select settings in the menu on left side.

Step 3: Select the sub-option "post and comments".

Step 4: Search for comments option on the page and below it search for comment moderation.

Step 5: Check always option beside comment moderation and click on save settings.

For instance see the below image:

How to enable comment moderation in blogger | 101helper

Comments awaiting for approval will show up in the overview chart of your blog. Comments will be published after approval by Admin:

How to enable comment moderation in blogger | 101helper

Hope you like this post and it was helpful to you. Share this post with others and help me spread 101Helper.

Get instant updates about blogging tutorials, blogger gadgets, seo tips, blogger menus, tips and tricks by subscribing to news letter below.

Search tags: How to enable comment moderation in blogger, comment moderation in blogger, Publish comments after approval in blogger, remove spam comments in blogger, 101Helper blogging tutorials for blogger.

How To Disable Navbar In Blogger

How to disable navbar in blogger | 101helper blogging

Navbar means navigation bar. It lies at the top of blog in blogger. It has a search box, share buttons and some more buttons. It is enabled in every blogger template but can be disabled easily by Admin. It has different styles e.g black, orange, blue, transparent etc. In this post I will tell you how to disable navbar in blogger, so follow below steps to disable navbar in blogger:

Step 1: Go to blogger dashboard.

Step 2: Click on Layout in the menu on left side:

How to disable navbar in blogger | 101helper blogging

Step 3: At the top of the layout page Edit the navbar:

How to disable navbar in blogger | 101helper blogging

Step 4: Check the round box beside off to disable navbar.

How to disable navbar in blogger | 101helper blogging

Step 5: Click on save button and you are done!

If you wish to enable it again go to Dashboard > Layout > Navbar > Edit and choose any of the navbar style which you like and click on save.

If you have any question ask me in comments. Share this post with others. Follow and subscribe to get instant updates about blogging tutorials. 

Search tags: Navbar in blogger, How to disable navbar in blogger, How to enable navbar in blogger, How to change style of navbar in blogger, How to turn off navbar in blogger, beginner to blogger, blogging guide, blogging tutorials, 101Helper blogger blogging tutorials. 

Star Ratings Widget For Blogger

Star ratings widget in blogger | 101helper gadgets for blogger

Voting or rating a post means to give your feedback about that post. It helps visitors to know if the post or blog which they are reading is popular(have a meaningful content) or is voted by people because it has something meaningful. It is helpful for seo also because Google shows ratings of websites in search results by stars. Blogger has built-in ratings but these are only in the form of check box, you can add them by going to Layout > Blog posts > Edit > Ratings. You can take a look of blogger ratings below:

Star ratings widget in blogger | 101helper gadgets for blogger

You can set number of votes and also text e.g good, better, best etc. But if you are searching for star ratings then you have to add it from Rating widget. Rating widget provides star ratings gadget for blogs and websites and it is integrated with Google rich snippets so after adding this gadget you will see star ratings beside your blog description in search results. You can show ratings stars in mobile view also and one of the best feature of it is that it doesn't effect your blog's load time. It is fully customizable i.e you can choose different looks according to your choice and change color of the stars. It is available in all languages and it is very easy to use, it takes only 2 minutes to setup. You can see a demo of star ratings below:

Star ratings widget in blogger | 101helper gadgets for blogger

Example of star ratings in Google search results:

Star ratings widget in blogger | 101helper gadgets for blogger

For more info go to

Note: After 13 days trial account is expired but the widget still works. 

Features of Star ratings widget:

  • It is free of cost you don't need to pay for it.
  • It has different styles.
  • It is easily customizable.
  • Available for all platforms e.g blogger, wordpress, weebly, webs etc.
  • 2 minutes integration with Google rich snippets.
  • Available in all languages.
  • Good for Seo.
  • It doesn't effect speed of blog or website.
  • This widget in mobile friendly.  
  • This widget takes its position automatically, you don't need to use Css for positioning it. 
  • It also works as a related post widget, whenever a visitor votes up a post this widget shows recommended posts.
Note: Rich snippets is available for premium users only, if you wish to enable rich snippets for your blog then upgrade to premium membership or use to generate ratings rich snippets for your blog.

How to setup Star Ratings widget in blogger?

Its very simple to install this widget in blogger but you need to register an account first at ratings widget to use this widget. So first register an account at Ratings Widget and follow below steps to install this gadget in your blog:

Step 1: Go to Ratings widget and sign-in to you account after registration.

Step 2: Click on get my free widget or go to

Step 3: Choose blogger as your platform:

Star ratings widget in blogger | 101helper gadgets for blogger

Step 4: Customize your widget according to your choice in the menu on left side. See a live preview of your widget also:

Star ratings widget in blogger | 101helper gadgets for blogger

Step 5: After customization click on add to blogger.

Step 6: On the Page element page Rename your widget if you want and after that click on add widget and you are done successfully.

This gadget takes its position automatically below each post, so you don't have to specify position of stars. If you wish to show the stars in mobile view of your blog read how to enable a widget in mobile view in blogger.

Hope you like this post and it is working in your blog properly. If you have any problem related to this widget ask me in comments. Give me your feedback or suggestion at Share this post with others if it was help to you because sharing is caring. Thank you for visiting 101Helper.

Search tags: Ratings widget, Star ratings widget, Star ratings rich snippets for Google search results in blogger, How to add star ratings in blogger, Seo gadget for blogger, 101Helper gadgets for blogger. 

How To Fix Your Website When It Gets Hacked?

Fixing hacked websites

It's not uncommon for sites - even large ones with lots of protection - to get hacked. Security is a major problem these days. And if your site gets hacked, it can get damaged in a number of ways. You could lose all your data, or lose its ranking due to malicious activity. So while you can take periodic backups, you cannot prevent someone from hacking into your site. The best and most practical thing to do in such an event is to recover your site as fast as possible so that the effect of the attack is neutralized/minimized.

Here are some tips shared by Google for getting your website back on track after it has been hacked.

Clean up malicious scripts

Hackers can target your site for any number of motives. From taking down your website and deleting its content to simply adding backlinks discreetly, there's a lot that can be done. If you notice suspicious content appearing on your website, delete those unnecessary pages immediately. However, don't just stop there.

Hackers will often insert malicious scripts into your HTML and PHP files. These could automatically be creating rogue backlinks or even new pages. Make sure you check your website's source code and see for any malicious PHP or JavaScript code that could be creating such content.

Maintain your CMS

Websites often get hacked due to vulnerabilities in a CMS that get patched with updates. If you're running an older version, your site is more susceptible to attack. Make sure you keep your CMS updated, and use a strong password for login. If possible, enable two-step verification to secure the login process.

www vs. non-www

www and non-www URLs are not the same. is not the same as - the former refers to a sub-domain 'www', whereas the latter is the root of your site. When checking for malicious content, verify the non-www version of your site as hackers often try to hide content in folders that may be overlooked by the webmaster

Other useful security tips

  • Avoid using FTP when transferring files to your servers. FTP does not encrypt any traffic, including passwords. Instead, use SFTP, which will encrypt everything, including your password, as a protection against eavesdroppers examining network traffic.

  • Check the permissions on sensitive files like .htaccess. Your hosting provider may be able to assist you if you need help. The .htaccess file can be used to improve and protect your site, but it can also be used for malicious hacks if they are able to gain access to it.

  • Be vigilant and look for new and unfamiliar users in your administrative panel and any other place where there may be users that can modify your site.

Got any questions? Feel free to leave a new thread in our discussion forum. You can read the post from Google along with a couple case studies here. Good luck (:

How To Add Join This Site Gadget In Blogger

How to add Join this site gadget in blogger

Do you want to get members in your blog? If yes then try a gadget "
Join this site  or Members", it allows people to join a blog. With this gadget anyone can be a member of your blog all you have to do is to add Join this site gadget in your blog. This gadget is made by Google and let users to join your site, this gadget works is a very easy way, once someone click join this site a pop-up window opens and the user is asked for his Gmail password and E-mail to log-in to his account.
Once he logs-in to his account you get a notification that ABC user wants to join your blog and when you approve him to join your blog then he become a member of your blog, its same as authorizing an app by gmail account. You can see a demo of members gadget in below image:

How to add Join this site gadget in blogger

How to add this gadget to your blog?

To add this gadget follow few steps given below:

Step 1: Go to Blogger Dashboard.

Step 2: Go to Layout and click add a gadget.

Step 3: Click More gadget in add a gadget pop-up window and search for Members as shown in below image:

How to add Join this site gadget in blogger

Step 4: Adjust the height of join this site gadget according to your need and click save.

If you have any question related to this post feel free to ask me in comments. Subscribe by E-mail to get latest updates about blogger gadgets in your inbox. 

Search tags: How to add Join this site gadget in blogger, Members gadget for blogger, Join this gadget for blogger, 101helper gadgets for blogger.

How To Add Pinterest Follow Box In Blogger

How to add pinterest follow box in blogger | 101helper

Pinterest is a social network similar to twitter, here you can share images along with links. You can share images from a link also, all you have to do is to paste a link and pinterest will show all images from that webpage, now you have to choose which image do you want to show with the link. It is a very interesting social network specially for bloggers, here they can post links of their posts along with images which is good for seo also. Just like twitter, pinterest also provides a follow box which can be added to blog or website to get more followers.
Moreover you can also add "pin it" button to all images of your blog. In this post I will show you how to add pinterest follow box in blogger, so follow below mentioned steps to add pinterest follow box in your blog:

See 101Helper Pinterest profile!

How to add pinterest follow box in blogger | 101helper

Adding pinterest profile follow box directly in blog:

Step 1: Go to blogger dashboard.

Step 2: Select layout in the menu on left side and click on add a gadget.

Step 3: Scroll down to Html/javascript and paste the below code: 

<a data-pin-do="embedUser" href=""data-pin-scale-width="80" data-pin-scale-height="200" data-pin-board-width="400">Visit 101Helper's profile on Pinterest.</a><!-- Please call pinit.js only once per page --><script type="text/javascript" async src="//"></script>  

Step 4: Replace with your profile link and 101Helper's with your profile name.

Step 5: Click on save and you are done!

If the follow box is not working try below steps to add Pinterest follow box manually in your blog.

Adding Pinterest follow box manually in blogger:

Step 1: Go to and log-in to your account.

Step 2: Open your profile and Click on the settings icon beside edit profile as shown in below image:

How to add pinterest follow box in blogger | 101helper

Step 3: Click on "Make a widget" and copy code of your pinterest follow box.

Step 4: Go to blogger dashboard > Layout > Add a gadget > Html/javascript and paste the copied code.

Step 5: Click on save and you are done successfully.

Hope you like this post, follow and subscribe to get latest news about blogger gadgets. Share this post and help me spread 101Helper. 

Search tags: Pinterest pin it button for images, Pinterest profile follow box, Pinterest follow box for blogger, How to add pinterest follow box in blogger, 101Helper gadgets for blogger.

Google Labelled Your Site As Hacked? Here's How To Fix It

Website hacked!

Is your website being falsely labelled in search results as a 'hacked' website even though there's nothing wrong with it? There isn't cause for concern, because it might not be something 'hidden' that you apparently can't detect. Google is reportedly working on a new hacked page classifier, and as a result, a number of websites are getting incorrectly marked as 'hacked' in search results.

This was acknowledged by Google's John Mueller on Google+.

We're slowly rolling out a new hacked page classifier and noticed a small number of misclassifications. We're sorry for any trouble this may have caused -- we are working on addressing the issues.

Obviously, this is a very serious problem, because nobody in their right mind would visit a hacked or malicious website intentionally, right? So if your website has been effected, here's what you do.

How to tell when your website is effected?

First, do a quick search for your site and see if a line of blue text appears underneath the title tag reading “This site may be hacked.” If you don’t see that line, you’re good. If you do see that line, and you’re certain your site is not hacked, here’s what you can do to fix it.

Fixing the problem

All you have to do is, fill out a Google docs form for misclassification of your website. The link is given below.

One you fill it out, someone at Google will review it and remove the label if your site is in fact safe. It is not clear how long you’d have to wait before Google removes the label on your site, but hopefully they are quick about it.

Mueller recommends getting someone who is experienced in working with hacked sites to double-check whether or not your site is really hacked, because that’s a whole other issue you’ll need to deal with.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to create a new thread in our help forum, and we'll try to help you our over there. Leave your responses in the comments section below.