Beware Of Google's Mobile Site Pop-up Penalty


Google has recently announced that it will penalize all the sites having pop ups or interstitial pop ups on mobile site.

This is because Google wants to improve users experience on mobile site. So its time to remove all the pop ups whether it is an ad or it is like button or a news letter pop up window.

If not removed Google will penalize your site by lowering its rank. Here is what Google said:

"pages where content is not easily accessible to a user on the transition from the mobile search results may not rank as highly."

Though you can add some slide out with a close button or you can just simply add your ads or widgets in your mobile site but pop up is not allowed.

Google will start penalizing sites having interstitial pop ups by January 10, 2017.

Google explains which type or interstitial pop ups are not allowed and will lead to penalty.

1. A pop up that covers the main content of page, whether it is shown when the uuser enters the site or after some time is spent in the site.

2. An interstitial pop up that visitor has to close before reaching the main content.

3. A layout in which above-the-fold portion of the page appears similar to a standalone interstitial, but main content is below the fold.


Similar to those pop ups which are not allowed and will lead to penalty Google lists three types of interstitial pop ups which are allowed and are not going to penalize your site. Here is statement from Google:

"Interstitial pop ups which would not be affected by the new signal” if “used responsibly.”

1. Interstitial pop up telling that the site is using cookies.
2. Login in or signup dialogs to reach the content on a site.

3. Banners or ads which covers only a small area of page for example a slide down ad from above down or from below up.


So its highly recommended to remove all the interstitial pop ups which will lead to penalty and lower your site rank.

Hope you like this post. Share it with others and help them to beware of this penalty. Thanks for visiting 101Helper!

Search tags: Google seo tips, google penalty, Beware of Google's mobile site pop up penalty, pop up penalty google, how to avoid google penalty, search engine optimization-seo blogspot,blogger seo,101helper

How To Add Youtube Channel Feed In Blogger

How To Add Youtube Channel Feed In Blogger -

Do you own a youtube channel? if yes and you want to show your youtube videos list or grid in your blog then you have found a helpful post. This post will show you how to add youtube channel feed in your blog or site it will show all the videos from your channel and you can customize everything like title, video size, number of videos to be shown etc and your site's speed will also not decrease, no matter how many videos you are going to show from your youtube channel.

To show your youtube videos feed on your blog or site you will need to use a plugin that allows you to show youtube videos on your site. Its absolutely free and easy to use. So in this post I am going to show you how to add youtube videos in blogger site.

Want to see a live demo? Check Out My Youtube Channel Feed Here

Similar Posts: How To Install "Get Site Control" Widgets In Blogger

How To Add Youtube Channel Feed In Blogger?

Step 1: Go to and create account.

Step 2: Confirm your account from Email and login to it.

Step 3: Click on Create New Plugin.

how to show youtube videos in blogger

Step 4: Choose Social Feed from the pop-up menu shown on the page.

how to add youtube channel in blogger

Step 5: Click on START FROM SCRATCH in the menu on right side.

how to add youtube videos grid in blogger

Step 6: Select Youtube as SOCIAL FEED TYPE and enter your youtube channel's URL or username in the FOLLOWING tab, select how many videos you want to get from your feed and finally click on Next.

- You can see a preview of your channel's feed on the page.

how to show youtube videos in blogger blog

Step 7: In this step choose how many videos you want to display from your youtube feed and number of characters in title and click on Next.

youtube videos in blogger 101helper

Step 8: Its the customization step, here you have follow things to be customized:

1. Sizing.
2. Post content design.
3. Post footer.
4. Borders.
5. Password protection. Upgrade required!
6. Advanced Upgrade required!

I am not going into all this because it is not difficult to customize your videos look because you have a live preview on your right hand on the page. Though if you find any difficulty, leave a comment below I will get back to you as soon as possible.

how to add gadgets in blogger tutorials

Step 9: Finally click on Publish and give your plugin a title and save it!

how to add gadgets in blogger blog 101helper

Step 10: Its time to implement the gadget you just created so copy the code of your plugin from page as shown in below image.

Step 11: Go to blogger dashboard and navigate to Layout.

how to add gadgets in blogger blogspot

Step 12: Click on Add a Gadget > Html/Javascript and paste your code.

how to add a gadget in blogger animation
Step 13: Click on save and you are done open your blog to see your youtube channel feed.

You can customize your gadget any time by logging in to your account. You can use for many other purposes like showing feed from instragram, facebook, twitter etc and there are number of gadgets you can activate for your blog or site.

Check out what else can you get from here

I hope this post is helpful to you. Information in this post is rarely available on internet so kindly share this with others. Thanks for visiting 101Helper.

Search Tags: Show YouTube Activity Feed on Your Blogspot, show youtube videos grid on your site, how to get youtube channel feed and show it on website,youtube videos on blogger list,youtube plugins gadgets for blogger 101helper.

How To Earn Bigger From Google Play Store Apps Using Blogger Blog

earn money from appnext googleplay store 101helper

I have shared many ways of earning online with blogger blog but today I am sharing something unique and different which is good to earn bigger amounts. With this amazing network you can earn money for each cpi(cost per install) and it is only for blogger mobile sites not for desktop site. Also its not only for blogger but all mobile websites can be integrated with these ads.

These ads are powered by APPNEXT. With AppNext ads you can show ads of Google Play apps and you get paid for every download. This ad network is good for those who have a more good mobile site and get more visitors on mobile sites. With Appnext you have full control over your ads. You have following benefits:

1. Ads don't slow down your mobile site.
2. You can show apps ads from specific category e.g games, social networking, sports, videos and audio apps etc.
3. You can install page over ads as well as video and banner ads.
4. Appnext finds high rate ads automatically and display it on your site.
5. All ads work on IOS as well as Android platforms.

More over you can show ads of a specific app which is paying a high rate, you need to get that app from marketplace in Appnext.

So Appnext is really a good network for mobile sites and a good network to earn bigger.

Benefits Of Appnext:

Appnext ads types for websites

1. Page over, banner, video ads.
2. Easy implementation.
3. No minimum traffic required.
4. High rates per CPI(cost per install).
5. Full control over ads.

Payment Methods:

Wire transfer - $200.
Paypal - $20
Credit Card - Coming soon!

Payment Proof:


How To Earn Money From AppNext?


Step 1: Go to AppNext and click on Join Now

how to sign up at appnext

Step 2: Fill up the signup form and confirm it from your email.

how to sign up at appnext 101helper

Step 3: Login to your Appnext account, you will find two IDs from appnext one will be for IOS and other for Android, Copy and save them.

Note:  If you didn't get any ID then leave it.


Step 1: Login to your Appnext account.

Step 2: Click on Add New App in the menu on top.

how to earn bigger money from website

Step 3: Choose Website as your platform, enter its URL and click on Next.

earn money form blogger

Step 4: Type your Site or Blog name and upload its logo if you like.

appnext apps for cpi

Step 5: Select up-to three categories for IOS.

earn money from google ios, andoid apps

Step 6: Select up-to three categories for ANDROID.

how to earn money from blog, website

Step 7: Give a message to your advertisers in the next step or just process away by clicking on next.

how to earn money from blogger blogs.png

After submitting your site you will get submission completed dialog along with two IDs one with the name Android Placement ID and other with IOS Placement ID. Copy both of these IDs, you will need them at the time of implementation of ads.


Step 1: Go to Integration Tools page.

Step 2: Choose type of ads which you want to implement in the menu on left side under Websites heading. I am choosing Interstitial JS Tag because it will give you more downloads rather than other types of ads.

how to add appnext ads in blogger mobile site

Step 3: Scroll down and copy the javascript code. Your code will be as shown below.

<script type="text/javascript">
 var Appnext = {
       android_id: 'Your Android Code Here',
       ios_id: 'Your IOS Code Here',
       cat: 'Category Name(If necessary) E.g Social Networking, Games, Casino',
       pbk: '',
       b_title: '',
       b_color: '',
       skip_url: '',
       skip_title: '',
       mute: '',
       timeout: '',
       times_to_show: '',
       times_to_show_reset: '',
       subid: ''
 var _s=document.createElement('script');

Step 4: Replace the Your Android Code Here and Your IOS Code Here with ID's you just provided with at the time of submission of your website. Place your ID's carefully don't place Android ID in IOS and IOS ID in Android place.

Step 5: Copy your final code and go to blogger layout and click on add a gadget > Html/Javascript.

Step 6: Paste the code and click on save.

Step 7: Go to template and search for your gadget by ID or by name you just given to it.

Step 8: Type mobile='only' after locked='false'.

Step 9: Click on save and you are done.

Make sure that you have enabled Custom mobile template for your mobile site otherwise you will not see any ads.

You can implement other ads in your mobile site too but video ads and banner ads may slow down your site which is not good for mobile users. Follow our mobile tutorials to get more help about implementing ads in your mobile site!

1. How To Show Ads Above Comments In Blogger Mobile Site

2. How To Show Ads In Mobile View In Blogger

3. How To Optimize Blogger Blog For Mobile Phones

That's it. I hope you liked this post and found it helpful. If not please let me know.

Thanks for visiting 101Helper. Do follow us on social media and keep visiting us.

Search Tags: Mobile blogging tutorials for blogger, how to earn money from appnext, appnext review for publishers, minimum payout, earn money from google appstore, mobile ad networks, high rates paying networks,cost per install networks, earn money from websites,blogs