(You will see below a 468X60 Adsense for content Ad).
Update: I have disabled the Ad display for browsers where JavaScript is disabled.
Installing the Script on Blogger
- Go to Blogger > Templates
- Backup your template
- Tick the "Expand Widget Templates" box
- Search for <head>
- Just below it paste the following JQuery code only if you are not yet using jQuery script on your blog
<script src='http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1/jquery.min.js' type='text/javascript'/>
6. Next paste the following code below <head>
<script type='text/javascript'>
Optional: If you want to display the ad at two places i.e. below read more tag and also at the end of post then delete the highlighted yellow code. Also delete the yellow highlighted code from step#8 given below
7. Now search the following code:
8. Just below it paste the following code:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<div style="display:none;">
<div id='MBT-google-ad'>
</div> </b:if>
Replace the bolded text above with your Adsense code. Remember that the code that you copy from your Google Adsense Account must be first encoded inorder to work with blogger templates. Simply copy the code and then encode it using the following MBT tool.
- Encode your AdSense code using: MBT HTML Encoder
Copy the encoded code from MBT HTML encoder and then paste it on the bolded text that says: ADD ENCODED ADSENSE CODE HERE
9. Save your template and you are all done!
Visit your blog and then visit any post page, you will see an Ad hanging just perfectly right after the first opening Summary paragraph. :)
Need Help?
I am always open to curious and delicious questions so never hesitate asking for help. If your blog has no Read more functionality or you don't know how to add a a jump break then you can try these interesting tutorials:
If you wish to add Adsense just below post title or somewhere else then read: