Have you ever considered grabbing more control over your AdSense ads through, say the AdSense Ad review center? The Ad review Center is a really powerful tool that lets you tweak the settings, and control ads that appear in your site's ad units. Following a set of changes and improvements from Google earlier this year, that gave this useful tool even more power and reliability, Google has now introduced another remarkable feature - image filtering. This new feature will let you find ads, and review them very easily and effectively, hence saving your time.
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What's the use?
This new feature makes use of the same technology as Google Image Search. You can upload an image from your computer. And this tool will then use the technology to search for similar images, and will return ad banners that have a similar image in them. You can then review such banners, and take an appropriate action.
This comes real handy when you want to not display an ad banner that has, let's say, the logo of a competitor of your site. Seems logical? You can simply take a screenshot or image of your competitor's logo, and then upload it to this tool. You will then see all ad banners that have that logo in them. You can then block those banners. Simple!
To use this feature, simply log into your AdSense account. Then go into the 'Allow and Block Ads' tab. There, you will see this feature, with an option to upload an image etc.

Currently, you can only upload an image of maximum size 2 MB, and a max dimension of 1024 pixels. Also, this feature for now only returns image ads. More functionality will be added later on, and we'll keep you posted about it :)
We'd recommend you use this tool rarely, and with care. Only block content that you absolutely don't want to appear, because blocking ads is generally not a very good idea. It isn't a good revenue generating practice, and can reduce your revenue. So be careful! Good luck :)