To answer this question first and foremost ask yourselves why should an advertiser choose your blog? why Should he spend money by advertising his product on your site? What benefits or to be more precise what value does your blog provides to the sponsor? How can you guarantee that his product wont get neglected if he chooses to buy an Ad Spot on your blog? Too many questions but a simple logical answer to all of them and that is provide him with Quality. Read on to understand this logic.
What do Advertisers Look For in your Blog?
The biggest misconception in the minds of web owners and newbie bloggers is that if you have consistent and huge amount of traffic then you are the Man!. The bigger your traffic value the hotter your pockets. Yes that is true but for AdSense alone. The fact for direct Sponsors is entirely different from this propagated set of thinking.
Advertising services like Chitika, Adsense and Infolinks require nothing from you except huge flow of traffic. You surely earn more when you receive great amount of traffic because your Click through rate (CTR) depends on the number of unique visitors and page views made per day. So if Adsense is happy with you then does this means that even Buysellads will give you a thumbs up? The answer is a straight no!
BuysellAds is an advertising service which connects Publishers directly with advertisers. You create Ad Spots on your blog and sponsors come and buy that spot from you. BuysellAds unlike Adsense gives importance to a lot of factors which in order of decreasing importance are:
- Alexa Rank ($$ Most Important)
- Subscribers and Facebook Likes (Readers)
- Page Impressions (Traffic)
- PageRank (Trust)
As you can see clearly Alexa holds the most important position followed by your readership no matter whether they are RSS readers or Facebook followers. Page Impressions give an idea of how much traffic you are receiving. If your Page Impressions are greater than 100,000 then it means you are receiving 5000+ pageviews daily which means 2000+ visitors per day. Finally comes the PageRank which has the least importance in the eyes of Advertiser. Lets now discuss in detail why Alexa is so much important?
Why Advertisers Value Alexa so much?
Alexa is an algorithm which is based on the use of Alexa toolbar. This toolbar provides hottest news headlines around the globe and provides you with easy shortcuts to important websites and social networks and resources. That's why it is so popular. Bloggers and journalists often get topic ideas from the news headlines popping in their Alexa bar. This Toolbar is different from any other toolbar. It also tracks which websites are you viewing and how much time are you spending browsing different sites and blogs. If you have Alexa toolbar installed and you are reading my blog then indirectly you are benefiting me by telling Alexa team "Hey I like MBT Please rank it higher!" and when more and more people visit my blog provided that they have Alexa toolbar installed, I rank higher and higher. As simple as that.
Quick Note: Alexa Rank is good when it is low and bad when it is high. A Blog With Alexa Rank 10k means that only 10,000 websites are better than it. A blog with Alexa Rank 100K means that around 100,000 websites are better than it. A site with Alexa Rank 1 or 2 means that it is the best site found online. No website is better than the one with Alexa Rank 1.0. So a smaller Alexa Rank means higher ranking.
Alexa tells advertiser whether a site is receiving quality traffic or not. By quality traffic I mean people having good tech knowledge, people who enjoy shopping online and people who enjoy reading about new and latest technology updates. These are the people Advertisers are looking for! Alexa toolbar as I said is usually used by webmasters, web owners, journalists, bloggers, technology analysts and everyone who loves being techy.
Alexa does not depend on how much visitors you receive daily. You can receive thousands of visitors per day and yet having an Alexa rank of 100k (Not Good) and someone else could be receiving just 1000-2000 visitors per day and still having an Alexa Rank of less than 15K(Great).
How come Traffic is not important?
It is but Traffic is not the sole backbone of a successful blog. If you have no readership and site rankings but still receiving thousands of visitors per day then your site offer no value to the sponsor. Why? Because it is mostly your blog readers that buy a product after you recommend it and it is usually your shining Alexa Rank that tells a Sponsor "Dude I offer people with credit cards!" If your Alexa Rank is 50k or above then it means that most of your traffic or general audience are teenagers and college boys, surfing for fun and entertainment with no intention to shop online. Thus offering no returns to the sponsor.
You can find a lot of blogs with tons of daily visitors and even good PageRank but with no impressive Alexa rank. The answer as I said lies in offering quality and not quantity. Blogs with no readership, Facebook followers and rankings such as PR and Alexa, offer no value to the advertiser.
How To Improve Blog Rankings then?
Write less but write best. Do not spam search engines with short and duplicated content. Most technology blogs share the same summarized content and circulate it by writing the same post in short paragraphs. Write for your readers and force them to stumble and bookmark your content. Do not worry about Revenue during the initial one year of your career and do not add too many Ads on your blogs. Attract and keep attracting loyal readers for continuous one year. Write at least two posts per day and add social media buttons every where on your blog. Keep post frequency constant and keep tracking your Alexa Rank. Build your network and expand your circle. Do exchange links but at most with 5 quality bloggers. Write unique posts with at least 300 words to avoid Google panda effect.
Final Advice
No one can claim to be successful because there are always bigger names ahead of you but do always keep a closer look on what they do and learn from them. Be polite in tone and always consider yourself a student and never a master. Be patient because a fruitful result does demand time. Give your self a one year of struggling period and track your performance consistently. Do not give up hope if you loose a Rank, just keep posting regularly and write on new and latest topics. Think of what Internet audience would like and always write on current happenings. When Christmas is near then write on posts related to Christmas and when EID is near then write on things that would attract Muslim visitors.
Genius are you my friend! Just realize your inner strength and potential and utilize your time smartly. May you achieve what you always dreamt for. Wishing you love, peace and a happy successful life online. Peace buddies! :>