Google gives relevant search suggestions as you type a query. While searching for the biographies of some politicians living in Pakistan I suddenly came across some very interesting recommended search results. I almost got the same results at and Unfortunately, following are the most elected and followed politicians of Pakistan. I am sharing this post as a tech loving person and I am surely not related to any political party or promoting any political agenda.
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Google Searches For Pakistani Politicians
Lets have a look at the Chief justice too, from whom the nation asks for Justice,
As you can see as we get down to the less popular figures the searches drop and suggestions no more exist. These were the most searched queries for the country where I belong. The searches are enough evidence to prove the hard work put by these figures... Most of them are bureaucrats and billionaires with assets ranging up to $10-$15 Billion dollars but despite that the country still cries of famine because not even the best of them pays Taxes. Just last month thanks to them I lost my brother.. May God help the nation.